Submitted by admin on
Notes about stuff I always add to my Debian installs.
- Jove - my favorite text editor. I can use vim when I have to, but Jove is my standby.
- apt-listchanges - list the changelog and news of updated packages so you can see what has changed and if there is anything you need to be aware of.
apticron - Email when there are new packages to update.
- Set apticron to only update at a certain time each day, and only during weekdays. Edit /etc/cron.d/apticron, 6:50am 0-5 dow (53 6 * * 1-5)
- Edit /etc/apticron/apticron.conf and set Email= to email address you want to be notified at.
- apt proxy - setup a user script so that apt will try several different proxy's, then connect direct if no proxy is available.
zabbix-agentd - Ties into the zabbix monitorying system.
- Add debian specific userparameters to /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf.d/ so debian version and outstanding updates are available.
- psmisc - adds a few process related tools, I use pstree the most.
- atop - a vastly enhanced version of top that adds a bunch of extra features.
- dpkg-reconfigure tzdata - set correct timezone
- sudo - add my user to the sudo group so no editing of /etc/sudoers required. adduser <username> sudo
- fail2ban - if server has publicly accessible services - setup fail2ban to rate limit auth failures.
- salt-minion - Salt Stack agent for remote execution and configuration. May need to add the salt stack debian repo. salt-key -a on master to add client.
- Smartmontools - to monitor smart values of hard drives if this isn't a VM.
apt-get install jove apt-listchanges apticron zabbix-agentd psmisc atop salt-minion
Zabbix Debian Additions
Create "/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf.d/debian_userparameters.conf"
#Debian Version UserParameter=system.sw.debianversion,cat /etc/debian_version #Debian updates available UserParameter=system.sw.debianupdates,apt-get dist-upgrade -s |sed -n 's/^\([0-9]\+\) upgraded.*/\1/p' UserParameter=system.sw.debianupdates-list,apt-get dist-upgrade -s |sed -n 's/^Inst \(.*\) (.*/\1,/p' | tr '\n' ' '
Zabbix Smart Monitoring
Create "etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/smart.conf"
serParameter=hdd.smartraw[*],sudo smartctl -A /dev/$1|fgrep -m1 $2|awk '{print $$10}'[*],sudo smartctl -A /dev/$1|fgrep -m1 $2|awk '{print $$4}'
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